Delivery and Returns.
When will I receive my artwork? (UK)
Free shipping is provided for all orders within the United Kingdom. Your order is estimated to arrive within 3-4 working days and can be tracked online. Please note that delivery times may vary based on the availability of the artwork and the destination location within the UK. Once your order is dispatched, you will receive a confirmation email containing the tracking information.
When will I receive my artwork? (International delivery)
If you’re placing an international order online, your delivery charge will be a flat rate of £10. Once your order is dispatched, you will receive a confirmation email containing the tracking information.
Delivery aim within Europe: 3-5 working days
Delivery aim Worldwide: 5-7 working days
Please note that delivery times can vary depending on customs processes and the specific destination. In some cases, international deliveries may take longer to arrive.
Please note that all sales are final. Returns or exchanges are not accepted. However, if you encounter any issues with your order, such as damage during transit or incorrect items received, please get in contact within 48 hours of receiving your package. Your situation will be thoroughly evaluated with the most appropriate solution provided.
If you need any more information or require any additional assistance regarding the delivery procedure, please don't hesitate to get in touch here.
Thank you for choosing Lillie Valentina for your Artwork and Fine Art Prints. Your support is greatly appreciated.